Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This picture makes me feel good

I love pictures with stories.

I’m at a time where I realized I’ve drifted off path and have lost my focus and I’ve lost my drive.

I’ve let my love for photography grow cold and forgot why I get up and go to work everyday. I feel like I forgot how to look at things, I forgot how to appreciate them.
When I was in Mexico I took only one digital camera and a lens. I also packed a Nikonos V

If you are unfamiliar a Nikonos V is a waterproof camera that is similar in design to a range finder. It’s not an SLR and you focus by guessing the distance between you and the subject and shooting at smaller apertures. It was a great experience photographing without knowing the outcome and having that instant gratification.

During the snorkeling trip I spotted a turtle and I followed it for some distance as it swam closer to the surface. I managed to grab just a few frames as we got closer.

It took a breath then dove away.

Available light

Nikonos V ISO 400 chrome handheld 1/60th probably at f/5.6

Shot off the coast of Cozumel, Mexico on my most recent cruise.


Wendyness said...

Very, very pretty, Jason. Good work.

Ashley McMillen said...

Just saw this on your wall!! :) GrEaT PiC J